Tag Archive: Series

Outer Rim: Inner City, Star Wars Street Art by Mr.Prvrt

Check out this fun series of Star Wars fan art created by Mr.Prvrt. The collection is called ‘Outer Rim: Inner City’, which depicts Star Wars characters as street hoodlums. They were created using… Continue reading

J.J. Abrams New Show ‘Revolution’

With a story centered around a global blackout, J.J. Abrams (Lost) and Eric Kripke’s (Supernatural) upcoming post-apocalyptic series ‘Revolution’ looks to be one of the most epic series coming to TV this fall.… Continue reading

Preview Art Work, Covers And Inks From The New Marvel Gambit Series

Marvel’s new Gambit series premiered this week, featuring artwork by brothers Clay and Seth Mann. “When Marvel’s premiere thief sets his sights on his biggest score yet, he may just end up over… Continue reading

‘Atomic Overlook’ Photography by Clay Lipsky

Check out photographer Clay Lipsky’s photos of atomic explosions. “This series recontextualizes a legacy of atomic tests in order to keep the reality of our post-atomic era fresh and omnipresent. It also speaks… Continue reading

Watch the X-Men Animated Series ‘Days of the Future Past’ Episode

It’s been confirmed that the next X-Men: First Class movie, will be titled ‘Days of the Future Past’. To get you in the mood for this next instalment, have a watch below, of… Continue reading

Marvel Releases New ‘All Winners Squad’ Animated Web Series

After being announced at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel has debuted the first episode of ‘All Winners Squad’. The Adult Swim-esque show is a new web cartoon series featuring some of the… Continue reading

New Spoiler Free Teaser Trailer for HBO’s Boardwalk Empire

“You can’t be half a gangster.” HBO has released a stylish new teaser trailer for the third season of ‘Boardwalk Empire’, which is scheduled to premiere in the U.S on Sunday, September 16th… Continue reading

Sci-Fi Cartoon Poster Art by Ïve Bastrash

This cartoon-style movie poster series is by French artist Ïve Bastrash. The art collection is titled the ‘Cinémarium Poster Series’, and includes posters for Aliens, The Fifth Element, Blade Runner, and much more.… Continue reading

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