Watch the X-Men Animated Series ‘Days of the Future Past’ Episode

It’s been confirmed that the next X-Men: First Class movie, will be titled ‘Days of the Future Past’.

To get you in the mood for this next instalment, have a watch below, of the two-part episode from the 1990s animated X-Men series, based on the same title. There are some differences between this storyline and the popular comic book storyline (one of them being, Bishop in the role of Kitty Pryde), but whatever, they’re both good.

The title is taken from a 1981 X-Men comic, where the storyline “alternates between present day, in which the X-Men fight Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and a future timeline caused by the X-Men’s failure to prevent the Brotherhood from assassinating Senator Robert Kelly. In this future universe, Sentinels rule the United States, and mutants live in internment camps. The present-day X-Men are forewarned of the possible future by a future version of their teammate Kitty Pryde, whose mind traveled back in time and possessed her younger self to warn the X-Men. She succeeds in her mission and returns to the future, but despite her success, the future timeline still exists as an alternative timeline rather than as the actual future.”

The X-Men universe on its own, is as big as the Marvel universe. Producer Bryan Singer thinks it’s time to reach out and explore it more and perhaps even bring some connectivity between the films. Sweeet. Check out what he had to say on the news in this interview for IGN:

For more info on First Class 2, check out Return to Fleet’s recent article here.

Now, enough jibber-jabber, here’s the animated ‘Days of the Future Past’ episode, it’s in 4 parts, enjoy!: