Tag Archive: full

Watch: Full 90-Minute Live-Action ‘Halo 4’ Movie ‘Forward Unto Dawn’

This week the new Halo 4 game was released, and Microsoft is going mad promoting it. If you haven’t already seen the great David Fincher produced live-action trailer for the game, check it below. Over the years various producers and studios… Continue reading

Watch: Pixar’s New Oscar Nominated Short Film ‘La Luna’

Pixar’s short films are always amazing and heart-warming. For those of you who missed the latest one ‘La Luna’, which played before the awesome ‘Brave’ in theaters, it’s now online to watch. The film has been… Continue reading

The Iron Man 3 Trailer Is Here! + Details, Poster, Stills, The Mandarin

It’s finally here, Marvel Studios have released the full, explosively dark Iron Man 3 trailer! Directed by Shane Black, the story for the film is described as a “technological crisis thriller” that’s set in… Continue reading

‘Loom’, a Sci-Fi Short Film Directed by Ridley Scott’s Son

The old saying ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ defiantly applies to Ridley Scott‘s son, Luke Scott. The young film-maker has made a beautifully epic short film called ‘Loom‘. It’s produced by his father and RED Studios, with a style… Continue reading

Watch the X-Men Animated Series ‘Days of the Future Past’ Episode

It’s been confirmed that the next X-Men: First Class movie, will be titled ‘Days of the Future Past’. To get you in the mood for this next instalment, have a watch below, of… Continue reading

Updated: Paranormal Activity 4 Full Trailer

Paramount Pictures has released a very short teaser trailer for Paranormal Activity 4, advertising that the full trailer will be released on Wednesday, August 1st. Have a peek below: *UPDATE* Check out the… Continue reading

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