Tag Archive: animated series

Watch: Why the ‘Batman Animated Series’ had such an impact on the development of one of DC’s most popular characters

Every Bat-fan that checked out the 90s animated series has to have fell in love with it on the first watch. It was such a game changing show at the time. It pointed out how cross… Continue reading

X-Men Portrait Project by Adam Rosenlund

Adam Rosenlund is an illustrator and graphic designer working out of Boise, Idaho. Check out his latest vibrant series of portraits sketched to celebrate the 90’s era X-Men and animated series line-up. For more on him… Continue reading

Watch the X-Men Animated Series ‘Days of the Future Past’ Episode

It’s been confirmed that the next X-Men: First Class movie, will be titled ‘Days of the Future Past’. To get you in the mood for this next instalment, have a watch below, of… Continue reading

Adult Swims New Animated Series – Black Dynamite

Adult Swim has released a trailer for the animated series adaptation of the 2009 blaxploitation spoof Black Dynamite. The story follows the crazy action-packed and sexy adventures of a former CIA agent and… Continue reading

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