The Wicked Fan Artwork of Alexander Iaccarino, Feat: Akira, The Last of Us, Breaking Bad

Take a look through three pieces of work awesomely created by artist Alexander Iaccarino (aka: That Kid Who Draws). The artworks are inspired by and pay homage to his favourite film, ‘Akira’, video-game ‘The Last of Us’ and TV show ‘Breaking Bad’… good choices if you ask us!

Alexander’s work has been thrown onto the global radar due to the huge success of his personal illustration and fan-art poster for the classic Katsuhiro Otomo directed 80’s anime film, AKIRA. The poster which was for sale as a limited edition print sold out almost instantly on his website.

For more on That Kid Who Draws, you can check out our interview with the man kid himself by clicking here.

Check out the first piece of the three below. Thanks for visiting RTF.


‘Akira Detail Close Up 1’

‘Akira Detail Close Up 2’

Next up, is his video game fan illustration for ‘The Last of Us’ . The game is an upcoming post-apocalyptic third-person survival game developed by Naughty Dog Inc, for the PlayStation 3.

Check out the second piece of the three:

‘The Last of Us’

‘The Last of Us Detail Close up’

Lastly, is his excellent illustration for AMC’s gripping fan favourite TV Show ‘Breaking Bad’.

In case you don’t know, ‘Breaking Bad’ is the story of Walter White, a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with advanced lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to a life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine with a former student, Jesse Pinkman, with the aim of securing his family’s financial future before he dies.

Check it out:

‘Breaking Bad’ (click to enlarge)

‘Breaking Bad Detail Close Up 1’

‘Breaking Bad Detail Close Up 2’

To see more work by Alexander Iaccarino, head over to his official site, here: