Tag Archive: Series

Mondo’s Sold-Out Collection Of Black Friday Cult Film Poster Redesigns

Check out the sold out collection of pop culture film poster redesigns released by Mondo for Black Friday. The Bride of Frankenstein by R.T.F favourite Olly Moss (featured above), Robocop/Variant by Todd Slater, Psycho/Variant by Daniel Danger and Back to the… Continue reading

‘Star Wars Glowified’ Digital Art by Daniel Reuber

Daniel Reuber is a 20 year old freelance-illustrator and graphic designer from Cologne, Germany. He has been working with digital art and communication design for the last 5 years. Check out his sparkly glowey… Continue reading

Star Wars Glowified Digital Art by Daniel Reuber

Daniel Reuber is a 20 year old freelance-illustrator and graphic designer from Cologne, Germany. He has been working with digital art and communication design for the last 5 years. Check out his sparkly glowey… Continue reading

Promo Trailer for the CW’s and DC Comic’s New TV Series ‘Arrow’

The CW has released a new action-packed promo trailer for ‘Arrow’ featuring Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, a.k.a DC comics The Green Arrow. Following on from the success of  Smallville, the CW has upped the ante a… Continue reading

1st Look at the Stunning Pencil Art of Avengers #1 New Comic

‘Image Above: Interlocking covers for Avengers #1, #2 and #3′ Check out a preview of Jerome Opena‘s brilliant artwork for the upcoming Avengers #1 Marvel comic. Opena, the hand behind these beautiful, stylish lines, worked on Uncanny X-Force and… Continue reading

New ‘Resident Evil Retribution’ Trailers Show Off In-Yo-Face 3D

Two new TV spots for ‘Resident Evil Retribution’ have been released, and after introducing 3D into the last installment, it seems director Paul W.S. Anderson wants to pump it up a notch with all… Continue reading

The Wicked Fan Artwork of Alexander Iaccarino, Feat: Akira, The Last of Us, Breaking Bad

Take a look through three pieces of work awesomely created by artist Alexander Iaccarino (aka: That Kid Who Draws). The artworks are inspired by and pay homage to his favourite film, ‘Akira’, video-game ‘The Last of… Continue reading

Showcase: The Black and White Comic Art of Tim Sale

Tim Sale is an American Eisner Award winning (like the Oscars of the comics industry) comic book artist. The body of Sale’s comics work has been with his collaborator and friend Jeph Loeb.… Continue reading

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