The Hurt Locker Director’s ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Trailer and Photos

The trailer for Oscar winning The Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow’s Navy Seal movie, ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ has been released. The film tells the story of how the Navy Seal Team 6 tracked down wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden.

The screenwriter of the film, Mark Boal, had this to say,

“I’m fascinated by people who dedicate themselves to really difficult and dangerous things for the greater good. I think they’re heroic and I’m intrigued by them. I’m fascinated by the world they inhabit. I personally want to know how they caught bin Laden. All I can do is hope that it interests other people.”

Bigelow has assembled a high-calibre cast including, Joel Edgerton, Jessica Chastain, Edgar Ramirez, Mark Strong, Kyle Chandler, Nash Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Harold Perrineau and Frank Grillo.

It is scheduled for release in the U.S in December.

Check out the trailer:

*photos from the film come from Entertainment Weekly.