First Trailer for Frank Miller’s ‘Dark Knight Returns’ Animated Movie

Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns is a revolutionary comic book that, in combination with Batman: Year One (also by Miller), established the grisly and gloomy tone of the contemporary Batman universe back in the 1980s. Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy was heavily influenced by Miller’s graphic literature, and Dark Knight Rises borrows plot elements from Miller’s tale (about Bruce Wayne resurrecting his identity as the Caped Crusader, to battle a new threat).

Warners and DC have cast several actors for their upcoming animated version of Miller’s classic 1986 Batman comic book run. Peter Weller, most famous for his role as Robocop, will voice Batman/Bruce Wayne in a near future where the Bat has since retired and Gotham City has managed to become an even worse place to live. A gang of hooligans called The Mutants terrorize Gotham to the point where it finally forces the now 55-year old Bruce back to crime fighting.

The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 hits DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital Download on September 25th, 2012. Part 2 should arrive in early 2013.

Check out the exclusive MTV trailer below:

‘Dark Knight Returns’ Animated Movie Trailer Pt. 1
