Monthly Archive: July, 2012

First Trailer for Frank Miller’s ‘Dark Knight Returns’ Animated Movie

Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns is a revolutionary comic book that, in combination with Batman: Year One (also by Miller), established the grisly and gloomy tone of the contemporary Batman universe back… Continue reading

Marvel Releases New ‘All Winners Squad’ Animated Web Series

After being announced at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel has debuted the first episode of ‘All Winners Squad’. The Adult Swim-esque show is a new web cartoon series featuring some of the… Continue reading

The Fleet’s Geeky Tattoos Vol. 1

Return To Fleet brings to you its first collection of fan ink, for your viewing pleasure. Get some inspiration or just admire some of the worlds most fashionably geeky tattoos. Obey Hank Hill… Continue reading

New Spoiler Free Teaser Trailer for HBO’s Boardwalk Empire

“You can’t be half a gangster.” HBO has released a stylish new teaser trailer for the third season of ‘Boardwalk Empire’, which is scheduled to premiere in the U.S on Sunday, September 16th… Continue reading

Updated: Paranormal Activity 4 Full Trailer

Paramount Pictures has released a very short teaser trailer for Paranormal Activity 4, advertising that the full trailer will be released on Wednesday, August 1st. Have a peek below: *UPDATE* Check out the… Continue reading

Action-Packed New Trailer for Taken 2

‘Taken 2’ is the sequel to the 2008 film ‘Taken’, that made Liam Neeson officially become an action movie bad-ass. The slow-burn success of the original movie led to a massive fan following… Continue reading

Sci-Fi Cartoon Poster Art by Ïve Bastrash

This cartoon-style movie poster series is by French artist Ïve Bastrash. The art collection is titled the ‘Cinémarium Poster Series’, and includes posters for Aliens, The Fifth Element, Blade Runner, and much more.… Continue reading

Breaking Bad: Walt’s Super Lab Poster by Kevin Tong

AMC‘s Breaking Bad is back! The must-watch TV show has inspired an art project by Kevin Tong. The 12 x 36 in piece is called Superlab, and is awesome, yo. For more Breaking… Continue reading

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